South Carolina Missions

I am a missionary in Gaston, SC and this blog will help anyone interested to stay informed about what's going on in my field of labor.

Wednesday, May 09, 2007

Looking for a place

Another thing worth blogging about - On Monday, a group of church members and I met with a realtor and went to look at a property in Gaston that looks promising as a potential future meeting place.

The property is 5.9 acres of land on a well-traveled road, just off of the main highway through Gaston. There is also a house located on the property that is large enough for us to meet in while we build a permanent meeting place on the property. Those of us that saw the property were very excited to think about the possibilities, but we are trying to remain open to God's leadership if he should take us in a different direction. We are going to be praying about this decision, and we would appreciate any other prayers that are lifted up on our behalf.


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