Homecoming 2007
This past Sunday we held special homecoming services in celebration of our third anniversary as a mission. I know that I have only been here for 9 or 10 months, but the mission actually began meeting over two years before I arrived on the scene. They started out meeting in someone's garage, and they have come a long way since then.
We had a special guest speaker for the occasion. Bro. Bobby Bear, a missionary in Greensboro, GA, delivered a sermon about Christ using three symbols from the Bible to describe him and his work on our behalf - the Lamb of God, a hen protecting its young, and an eagle.
There was an excellent attendance of 41 for the homecoming service, including several visitors. After our morning worship service, we enjoyed some good food and fellowship, in the traditional Baptist way. There wasn't any fried chicken, but there was some good barbecued chicken, along with so much other food that it was hard to decide what to put on your plate. It was all good, of course.
Following that, we had an afternoon service. There was some special music, and then Bro. Bear spoke to us again, but he used this opportunity to talk to us about some of his experiences as a missionary. He shared his wisdom with us, and we soaked it up like a thirsty sponge. He also allowed some time for questions.
All in all, it was a great day! I'm confident that the Lord was present, and I believe He was pleased with our worship and service to Him that day.
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