Summary of January
It's pretty bad when I only blog once a month. That's not near as regular as I'd like to be. I guess I haven't fully entered the 21st century. I'll get there sooner or later. Hopefully sooner. I'm not really sure if anyone's actually reading this right now anyway. If you are, it would be great for you to leave a comment every once in a while, just to let me know you're out there.
The month of January seemed to be a tough one. Of course, the start of a new year has a way of making you evaluate how you've been doing, and make some goals and plans for the coming year. My next blog, which I plan to enter this week, will show you some of the goals I've set for the coming year of 2007.
In January, it seemed like everyone in the church was sick at one time or another. In a large church, that just means a drop in attendance. But in a congregation like ours, where nearly every member has an active role to play, it hurts when not everyone can be there. We were supposed to resume our AWANA program on the first Sunday after the New Year, but for two weeks after that, we were unable to do so because of sick members who have key roles in our AWANA. The kids were very anxious to get that going again. The last Sunday in January, we had one adult to teach each of the four classes, and no more, but we thought we could get by. Unfortunately, though there were some discipline problems that came up that night, and with so few adults, there was really no one to deal with the problem. I have decided that we need at least one extra adult available to deal with disruptive kids if we are going to split into our AWANA classes. If we don't have that, then we would be forced to cancel our AWANA for that night.
Now that another month has arrived, I'm anxious to put January behind me, and move forward. February, here I come!
Brian, I just want you to know I do read about you every once in a while. Keep up the good work. Happy Birthday to Jacob. Aunt Kathy
Brian, I enjoyed your blog and your doing a great job as a missionary. I pray that the Lord will send lost souls your way and send grounded MB people your way. Give GOD all the HONOR and GLORY!
Corinth had one join the letter by statment. We had a good crowd for the baptism. Pray for Bro. Steve BoBo. Also pray for his inlaws that are lost that they'll turn there life over to the LORD.
God Bless
Tell your Family Hello!
Keep us in your prayers
Brian, Hey...I just got around to reading your blog...keep it up...just think how many people are out there in cyberspace and may find it by divine intervention when they really need it...I love you and miss you all very much...
You're chosen sister Tiffany
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