South Carolina Missions

I am a missionary in Gaston, SC and this blog will help anyone interested to stay informed about what's going on in my field of labor.

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Easter 2008

The Lord has been so very good. We enjoyed wonderful services today, both in the morning and evening. Our numbers were down a little bit, but the Lord still blessed.

Please pray for Desi Dawson - a teenager whose family has been visiting with us regularly for about a year now. She came forward this morning and made a profession of faith. We are planning to have our next baptismal service in May when the weather warms up a little. Hopefully, if everything goes as planned, Desi will be baptized then along with her aunt and a couple of others. Praise God!! It's so good to serve our Lord.

Her cousin, Dalton, also came forward this morning. He will be 7 in May, and he is asking some serious questions about salvation. Brian is so patient with the children and all their questions. Dalton is in my Sunday School class so he asks me questions from time to time also. Especially today since we spoke about Christ's death and resurrection. I have a feeling that soon there will be one more in that family that will come to know Jesus as their personal Savior.

Also, please pray for Desi's family. They are going through some hard times right now - the details of which I will not go into - but they desperately need our prayers. Please pray specifically for Chip, Desi's father.

After church, we stopped at Burger King for lunch. (I really miss getting together with my family on Easter Sunday after church. I would have loved to have had some of that good home cooking today.) When we got home, the kids got to hunt easter eggs. They had lots of fun finding the eggs and eating them as well as they candy they got. Blakley got to church this evening and told one of the church members that she sat on the couch eating candy and watching TV all afternoon. All I could do was laugh. Then another girl said she had done the same thing. Oh well - they don't get to do that but maybe once or twice a year (Easter and Halloween). I guess we could look at it as keeping the dentist in business...

I guess that's it for me. I'm going to let Brian blog about the remodeling we've had done to the house we are meeting in as well as the work day and some of the visitors we've had recently. We've been very busy over the last month. Brian is doing some deputation each month trying to raise support for the land/building fund. Please pray with us about having the mortgage for the land/house paid for by the end of this year. We are 1/4 of the way through the year - it's going to be a very big challenge. But God is all powerful - he can do what we can't. "I can do all things through Christ which strengthens me."

God bless!
PS Hope you enjoy the pictures below!


Blogger Amy Nichols said...

Thanks for sharing your Easter! I sat on the couch and did homework and ate candy all day!!! Bad of me!
The pictures are so great!

9:20 PM  

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